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"That wasn't a 7-out-of-10 [effort]. That was a fucking 10 out of 10," pants Kris Gethin as he lies on his back in the middle of a hilly trail in Boise. It should be noted that before he started up this hill, he also did a jam-packed 50-minute leg workout and strapped on a seriously heavy weight vest.

Remember, intensity is the master during Man of Iron. If you're following Kris' downloadable workouts, on this week or any other, you know that firsthand. Even if you're just one of the many enjoying the ride from afar, Kris and Sunshine's busy training and travel schedule this week may make you a little tired and sore. But when it all wraps up with a peaceful run through a forest in Cardiff, Wales, you'll understand the appeal of being a hybrid athlete.

Training and Nutrition Tips from Week 8:

  • Kris trains partially by plan, partially by instinct whenever he sets foot in the gym. As you get deeper into this diverse training plan, don't be afraid to do the same. Listen to your body and give it what it wants while also making sure to give it what it needs.
  • Been cycling primarily indoors? Take your bike outside for a spin. Aside from a healthy blast of fresh air and vitamin D, this will remind you that powering over the pavement and terrain is a truly different training experience—and one that you'll be facing in a race soon enough.
  • Leg day…then running high-intensity ½-mile hills with a weighted vest? It's only for the brave. But remember: By cutting back on endurance volume, intensity must go up. That's the only way this plan is going to work.
  • Are you hoping that this will be a weight-loss plan for you? Kris doesn't recommend it. This is a muscle-building and performance plan. That means fruit is on the menu!

Ambitious athletic goals require strategic nutrition. Fuel up right to get big and go long.

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About the Author

Kris Gethin

Kris Gethin

Kris is a writer and photographer, and periodically provides with articles and pictorial features.

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