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"I thought I was driving home for breakfast," Kris Gethin says after his monumental workout. Alas, no. It's time for cardio. On Man of Iron, there's no escape. 

This week, there are workouts Kris crushes in true Kaged Muscle style, and others that feel like he's paddling against a raging river. He also tackles his first 10-mile run and open water swim in successive days. No, it's not easy. "Having this muscle is definitely making my job harder," he says. "But I get myself into these things, and now I have to get myself out of them."

Check out his downloadable workout, along with tips to maximize your time in the gym, on the road, and in the water.

Training and Nutrition Tips from Week 7:

  • If you're actually going to participate in a distance endurance event such as a triathlon, having equipment that fits properly can make the difference between finishing feeling OK, and finishing in serious discomfort. Seek out specialists and get fitted!
  • Accessories like BOSU balls for squats get a bad rap, but like anything else, they have their time and place. Kris favors them with light weight for building healthy knees and ankles. 
  • As Kris notes, the weekend is the ultimate gauge of your training. If it feels easier, you're getting stronger in the right ways. If you're going through the motions all week, it'll show on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Some days, it'll feel like you not only haven't improved, but that you're going backwards. This happens. Expect it.  
  • Is an easy ride on the calendar? Make it live up to its name! Treat it as active recovery, not a test of your abilities.

Ambitious athletic goals require strategic nutrition. Fuel up right to get big and go long.

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About the Author

Kris Gethin

Kris Gethin

Kris is a writer and photographer, and periodically provides with articles and pictorial features.

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Running Workout Swimming