Sivan Fagan


Sivan Fagan discovered strength training in 2005 and has been a certified personal trainer since 2010. She holds a bachelor's degree in exercise science from Towson University (Towson, Maryland) and has more than eight years of coaching experience.

Fagan's sensible, flexible, and scientific approach to nutrition, as well as her passion for promoting strength training, has made her a sought-after fitness coach in Baltimore, Maryland. Fagan's Strong with Sivan fitness company offers personal training and nutrition coaching, both in person and online. Her coaching approach is informed by her personal mantra: "Love your body, it's the only place on earth you can never leave."

She's worked with clients of all ages, educating them for long-term success. Having struggled with an eating disorder in her teens, Fagan knows firsthand how gaining strength can transform a person's outlook on life. Since then, she's made it her mission to promote strength training among women, while focusing on empowerment and confidence. Another mission of hers is to help women cultivate a healthy and positive relationship with food and their body image.

