Squatting cable EZ-bar biceps curl

The squatting cable EZ-bar biceps curl is an exercise that builds and strengthens the biceps while the lower body is in a static squat position. It is usually performed for higher rep sets, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, in combination with other curls or arm training. It is most similar in arm positioning to a preacher curl, but has some unique benefits to the lower body, as well.


  1. Cable provides constant tension throughout the movement
  2. Effective substitute for a preacher curl if a preacher bench isn't available
  3. Excellent way to "sneak in" squat or hip mobility training
  4. Challenging to core as well as arms
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Squatting cable EZ-bar biceps curl Images


Squatting cable EZ-bar biceps curl Instructions

Squatting cable EZ-bar biceps curl muscle diagram